5 Letter Words ending in X (____X)
Need a 5-letter words ending with X (____X) for Wordle? Check out the 84 words we have collected. Our comprehensive list helps you rapidly find the word you're looking for.
From the 84 words that meet the criteria, 8 words that are likely to be answers in Wordle and are shown in bold font.
These are more common words, with a higher likelihood of being answers in Wordle.
- affix
- annex
- borax
- detox
- helix
- inbox
- index
- relax
Less common words.
- addax
- admix
- adnex
- audax
- beaux
- bemix
- blonx
- bolix
- calix
- calyx
- capax
- capex
- carex
- choux
- cimex
- codex
- comix
- conex
- culex
- cylix
- desex
- dewax
- embox
- enfix
- fedex
- felix
- ferox
- forex
- galax
- hapax
- hyrax
- immix
- infix
- kylix
- latex
- limax
- linux
- lurex
- malax
- mieux
- mirex
- murex
- panax
- phlox
- phynx
- pinax
- podex
- preux
- pyrex
- radix
- redox
- redux
- refix
- regex
- remex
- remix
- retax
- retox
- rewax
- salix
- senex
- silex
- sorex
- telex
- thanx
- unbox
- unfix
- unmix
- unsex
- untax
- urbex
- varix
- vibex
- vieux
- vitex
- xerox