5 Letter Word Finder
The Ultimate Wordle Word Finder and Solver
Stuck on Wordle or need to expand your 5-letter word vocabulary? Our word finder tool is here to help.
Enter known letters and positions into our database of 14,855 five-letter words. Our search will provide potential matches, including all Wordle-accepted words.
Input known letters in their correct positions. Use blanks for unknown spots. Add any additional letters you know are in the word, or exclude letters you know aren't. Click 'Search' to generate a list of possible words that match your criteria.
Our tool assists with various word games, from Wordle and its spinoffs to crosswords and multiplayer games like Scrabble. Use it for hints or word exploration.
Using Our Word Finder As A Wordle Solver
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use our word finder to find the right 5-letter word for Wordle:
- If you haven't guessed any word yet, start with your favorite starting words (we recommend ADIEU, CRANE, or SLATE).
- If there are any green tiles, enter those letters into the green boxes on this page. Make sure to enter the letters in the correct box, as the order matters.
- For any yellow tiles, enter the letters in the yellow boxes. Order does not matter for the yellow boxes.
- Finally, enter all the letters in gray tiles into the gray boxes. Again, the order does not matter. When you first open our word finder, there are 5 gray boxes, but more will appear (up to 20) as you start entering letters.
- Now click on "Search" to find all possible words that can be made from the given inputs. Words that are more likely to be answers in Wordle are highlighted in bold and present near the top of the list.
- After you've made more guesses, you can update the green, yellow, and gray boxes with the new information and click "Search" again to get a new list of possible words.
Finding 5 Letter Words For Other Games
Enter the known letters in their correct positions into the green letter boxes.
For example, if you know that the word contains "C" as the second letter, enter "C" into the second green box. Order matters in the green boxes, so enter each known letter in its proper position.
Enter any additional letters that you know are contained somewhere in the word (but you don't know their position) into the yellow letter boxes.
For example, if you also know the word contains "T" somewhere, enter "T" into one of the yellow boxes. Order does not matter for the yellow boxes.
If there are any letters you know for sure are NOT contained in the word, you can enter them into the gray letter boxes to exclude words with those letters. When you first open our word finder, there are 5 gray boxes, but more will expand up to 20 as you start entering letters.
For example, if you know the word does not contain "Z", enter "Z" into one of the gray boxes. Order does not matter for excluded letters.
- Once you've entered all known letters (green boxes), possible letters (yellow boxes), and excluded letters (gray boxes), hit the "Search" button.
- Our tool will then filter words from our 5-letter word list based on your input criteria and display the matching words.
- If needed, you can refine your search by entering additional letter information or exclusions. Just update the appropriate letter boxes, and hit "Search" again to generate a new list.